I am at the lowest point of my life. 31 weeks pregnant. Was a huge leap of faith to get pregnant as I am a lifelong emetophobe. I suffered severe nausea for the first 23 weeks but somehow got through it, with a battery of anti emetics and valium, which I am still on.

Anyway, have felt so anxious and depressed the entire time. Had sporadic help from community mental health but they don't really understand the nature of emetophobia.

Felt I was just about holding it together until the last few weeks when nausea returned and niggling pain under right rib and in right shoulder. Had an ultrasound and diagnosed with a single 10mm gallstone. I am now in a complete and constant state of anxiety, waiting for a gallstone attack, which I know can make you violently sick for hours. Also looking ahead to having gallbladder removed and SO depressed by the awful stories of living without one, ie constant nausea/vomiting, horrendous diarreah, bile acid overload. I would rather be dead than live a life with those side effects.

I'm not eating, sleeping or leaving the house. My consultant OB wants me to go in to hospital and be monitored while they start me on sertraline (Zoloft). I am terrified of taking this too, because of nausea side effects.

Have any fellow Emets had gallstone OP and survived?! What we outcome? Did you feel horrendous for weeks/months afterwards?

I feel at total breakdown. Can't stop thinking about ending it all. I cry every day for my unborn baby. no ideahow