I have a lot of fears. Emetophobia is a huge one that rules a lot of my life. But there are other HUGE fears too...that I'm suffering from right now. I'm literally anxious and worried ALL the time and right now it's really bad. Can someone help?

I'm scared of tsunamis, earthquakes, tornadoes, death, spiders and wasps (along with my emetophobia). The last two I can deal with...even if spiders have caused me to almost have to sleep in my bathroom one night. I don't live anywhere where there's even a bit of a threat of tornadoes (although I do travel to those places occasionally...but that's beside the point). Usually I'm not scared of tsunamis since though I do live near-ish to an ocean, it's not nearly close enough to be affected by one. Earthquakes...I do live in an area where they can happen but because there's no warning I don't usually dwell on it.

Anyway, back to the story...Right now I'm in Hawaii. Maui. In a condo by the beach, staying for the next 3 nights and 2.5 days. The ocean is right next to us. It is so loud. I am so irrationally terrified of just everything under the sun (especially tsunamis and earthquakes at the moment) I am almost crying. I'm just sitting here shaking. My dad thinks I'm being a baby. We're going on a short (morning) boat/snorkeling cruise tomorrow and I'm SO scared. What if there's an earthquake? A tsunami? What if the boat sinks? What if we drown? What if the food is bad and I get sick? What if I get motion sick despite taking bonine? What if someone else on the boat does? I just read a horrible story of an anxiety-prone woman who was on a boat in Thailand and came back to find out there had been an earthquake and a tsunami was coming and they all thought they were going to die. I couldn't even eat dinner tonight (a dinner I had specifically picked out and was so excited to have). I just had to eat a banana and some ice cream to try to calm my nerves. I'm just shaking and the water is SO loud each time it hits the beach it sounds like an explosion!

And then the next day we're going on the Hana highway which is apparently long and scary and treacherous and people have fallen off the edge and I'm so terrified and everyone will get carsick apparently and then the next day flying back...I'm so scared of plane crashes, and car crashes...or hijacking and I just don't know how to handle this please somebody help?!?!

Sorry this isn't 100% about emetophobia but I didn't know where else to go.