Please help... Going a little screwy. I'm shaking very badly as I write this.

I had a loose BM earlier (about four hours ago), wasn't too bad but was noticeable.

In the last few minutes I've had a bit of nausea - but more like the nausea you get from anxiety (I have had a stressful day) and more like a throat nausea (I get acid reflux quite badly and this makes me gag. I take Omeprazole but haven't been taking it the past few nights as I ran out).

Just been to the toilet again and it's not d* as such, more just loose BM.

I've wretched a little but it's more to do with what's in my throat (feels like reflux).

I can't cope with this. I'm terrified I have a bug or FP.

I have no pain but I do feel sickly.

Please help me I really can't do this.