My nausea! I'm sick of it! I made an appointment with my GI doctor so discuss this further because I'm dead tired of this! Can ANYBODY here at least try to offer some insight behind my problem?

I get nauseated
  • After a Bowel Movement - Started before Emetophobia
  • After drinking (ALWAYS) - After Emetophobia
  • After eating (50/50) - Before Emetophobia
  • When I'm hot (Heat Sensitive) - Before Emet
  • When I'm cold (Cold Sensitive) - Before Emet
  • When I use a Hand Sanitizer (almost immediately after) -Before Emet
  • When I awake during the night to change my position - After Emet
  • When I go to sleep - After Emet
  • When I wake up fully - Before Emet
  • When I get under 9 hours of sleep - Before Emet
  • When I have to pee - After Emet

I just want answers! I don't want life pills! I could sleep before being put on Remeron, but now I'm sleep dependent! I know people will say it is anxiety related, but don't! I know when my anxiety is causing nausea!
Just because I'm an Emet who suffers from Idiopathic nausea doesn't mean my nausea is all anxiety and I'm SICK of hearing that same crap over and over again! How about the time when I went into the hospital for a week because I lost weight from not eating DUE to nausea 6 years before my Emet started? How about the time when I married the porcelain god for a week because I was suffering from nausea a few years before my Emet? How about me not being able to pay attention in school because eatin lunch made me nauseated? I couldn't eat breakfast because that made me nauseated! If I skipped launch, nauseated! This was about a year before my Emet!

There is something CLEARLY not working right! I should have NEVER told ANY doctor about my anxiety disorder! I'm not taking Celexa (devil pill)! I'm sorry for ranting but I literally have exhausted every last ounce of energy on this and I'm really in a state of malaise! Lost 12lbs in this month and I'm always dizzy! I'm going to my GI doctor and I'm DEMANDING TESTS be done! If not, I'm getting a new doctor and getting tests from him/her! If not, I simply won't eat to be placed in the hospital again! Not like I haven't spent more than 3 months of my life in the hospital! (5 extended stays)