I'm gonna start eating and drinking more in accordance to what I need to survive! I know that will help get rid of my nausea and acid problems. I need help with suggestions with food and drinks if you guys don't mind.

I have a water faucet filter and a pitcher filter for water. I'll either freeze and then boil the faucet filtered water before putting it through the pitcher filter or buy bottled water and put it in the filter. I'm kinda afraid to drink water haha.

I can't drink water itself because the taste is just bad enough that I like, lose thirst if simply because the taste.
I bought some fruit with a lot of juices so I can make flavored water. I bought Lemons, Limes, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Winter Melons, some yellow melon and a cantaloupe? (cantaloupe's are so expensive from I'm from!)
Will the Lemon and Lime and stuff cause stomach distress? Water gives me indigestion so I'm worried about it.
I also have Tea, but I'm terrified of Theobromine now. Chai, Chamomile, Mint, Rose, Green Tea, Black Tea. It all smells so good and it is all native, but Theobromine. I don't know how much theobromine is in each packet.

Now for the food! I don't know what to eat haha. I'm absolutely petrified to eat leafy products because they cross contaminate easily. I can't eat meat because it takes too long for me to digest haha. Other than that, I'm out of options. I don't worry about eating much so I really never ventured out of my bubble with food. I'm terrified of Seafood also.

What types of food would help me feel better?