Hey guys,

So...I just moved back up to Utah for my last year of school. Summer was FANTASTIC. I didn't really panic about anything, I felt like my normal self again. Unfortunately, when I move back here, my OCD tendencies seem to creep back in.

My roommates are fairly clean...except for one. He concerns me.

What really concerns me, however, is that he came out of his room today and said he didn't feel very good, so I asked what was up. He said he had a migraine and I asked him how bad he got them. He said he had the headache and was nauseous, and just like that, all progress I made over the summer was gone.

I've heard him in the bathroom coughing and spitting but I don't think he has thrown up yet. As most of you know, with this freakin stupid phobia, we often think that the cause of the vomiting is the norovirus.

My question is, how can I tell that this is really a migraine he has or if it's norovirus, without intruding on his life and asking questions that may be bothersome?

I'm tired of freaking out every time someone goes into the bathroom, but at least if I know he has a legit migraine I can feel better for the next little while...