I haven't v*d in 12 years... when I was 6, i threw up and I remember dry heaving so much and it was horrible. i don't really remember what it was like to actually throw up though. i'm so scared it'll happen again. my boyfriend has the stomach flu and today i stopped by his house (that was so terrifying as it is) i was already aware that the only way to get it is to get the v* particles in your mouth and digest them so i didn't touch my mouth a SINGLE time, i didn't kiss him or hug him. after sitting far away from him for a while, i held his hand. i ONLY held his hands. i stayed at his house for maybe 25 minutes and then I went home. as soon as i got home, i put the clothes i was wearing into a bag, i washed my hands twice, and i took a shower. i'm so sure that no v* particles got into my mouth. i used clorox wipes on everything i touched and i'm STILL scared and anxious that i might the virus :/ what is v*ing like? how did you get through it? i'm so scared. it seems so terrifying i just dont know. there have been a few times where i thought i was going to and i kind of said to myself okay, if it happens it happens. but i'm still so scared :/ i need advice... and do you think i will get the virus?