Haven't been on this site for a while but with the weather turning colder and the threat of noro or maybe just the fact that we hear more about it, I find I'm being lured back lol.

My son was sick 2 weeks ago, and while this always does freak me out I did manage to cope with it. Fortunately it only lasted a few hours and then he was right as rain, meanwhile I was silently panicking and cleaning everything in site and not eating. Fast forward 2 days later and I woke with severe stomach pains and I felt awful. I then had d* for 5 days, hardly had the energy to do anything, didn't help that hubby was working 12 hour shifts and I still had to get the kids ready for school and attempt to cook meals for them! I felt nauseous the whole time, almost v* once but managed to take a Motilium tablet which worked wonders - always wondered if the worked, they certainly do.

I lost 10lbs in weight due to not eating and only managing to drink lemonade. It was awful but I managed to get through it and I'm proud of myself for doing so, sad I know but it's been many years since I've had anything like this. I just wanted to give hope to fellow emets out there, yes it was my worst nightmare but it's amazing how you can get through things when you put your mind to it. I'm a great believer in positive thinking xxx