Warining: I will use proper words not D* or V* or SV*.

Ok so heres why I posted this little post you are reading. This morning I was beside myself. I had stomach aches, diorhoea,
and nausea. Yes I was panicing as its all going 'round and I was sure it was the evil bug.
Then I though to myself, "maddy, this is so stupid, worrying is making it worse, there is nothing you can do it you do vomit, so why worry and make it worse?" I stopped thinking about it, turned on my laptop and distracted my self. I opened a window and drunk some water. Now how am I you ask? Totally fine. I feel brave and proud that I didn't loose my mind.
I want to share with you all something some of you will understand and some of you wont.
So emetophobia is not US. It is a THING inside of US. A fear. A fear that we take on as a trait. Some of us forget what a fear is.
A fear, is NOT a physical thing, but it is being afraid and feeling smaller than a physical thing.
So can I ask you why we get so afraid of vomiting when we are not vomiting? I will tell you why. There is no reason we are anticipating the future, almost like we want it to come to we can prove how scary vomiting is.
It's all in our minds, vomiting is not scary. Repeat that to your self constantly. That wont work you say? Well if you constantly repeat to yourself that it IS in fact scary then wouldn't it work the other way? Yes it would.
It wont happen over night. Over week or over month. It wont happen at all if you just say it. You have to really believe it. Believe that if you say it over and over again that it will get better. Because vomiting is NOT something worth being afraid of. Cancer is. War is. Not vomiting. It is not a nice experience, but why dont we fall in love with it?
Take marmite for example, some people love it, some people hate it. Does this make marmite gross, or nice? It doesn't make marmite anything. It makes marmite marmite and it is our opinions on it that decide what it is.
So, why don't we just change our opinion of vomiting? Im not saying vomit and like it. I'm saying repeat to yourself just as much as you repeat it is scary right now, that it is not scary, and that is it not gross, but that it is just vomiting, and your opinion on it does not mean it is so. So don't have that opinion. Have a nicer one.
If you can make your opinion of vomiting gross, and take so much time of you life thinking of how scary and gross it is. Then take that time to think of how NOT scary it is and how NOT gross it is, and NOT embarissing, every one does it after all just like we all poo and pee and fart and burp Then once you have a firm belief. Stop thinking of it! Think of something you w ould prefer to think of like what shoes you want or that guy you like. This phobia is in our minds, and we can get rid of it. It's not a tumor that wont go away, but something bad that we hate, that we made ourselfs.
So lets not dwell on emetophobia anymore. Lets appriciate this wonderful world we live in, and walk through that door that has been open to you us now for so long. Whatever it may be. I wish you all well.