Maybe its just me, but I notice alot of .. the glass is half empty.. outlooks on this board.

I know that emet is a hard battle to fight, and we all have our ups and downs, but generally I get a bit depressed after reading some of the glum replies here. Im not saying that we ll have to have happy attitudes 24 hours a day, but I cant imagine living my life and thinking that, life stinks, Im sick, and I hate the world.

Think about all the great things in our lifes. And even if today was a bad day, tomorow is bound to be better.

There is a reason we all have this phobia and I dont think god makes mistakes. We all have different reasons and most are unknown, but we all have so much to be thankful for and appreciate in our lives.

Im lucky to have 2 very loving parents, my kitties, an oppurtunity to attend university, my boyfriend, good food to eat, good friends.... the list goes on and on.

The reason Im bringing this all up is because I think most of you dont realize how hard you are on yourselves. you are all wonderful people with amazing qualities. You guys makes me laugh, and cry, and are most sympathetic people I know.( online, that is)

anyways, I hope you guys read this and realize that there is much more to life than fighting this phobia, and many many wonderful parts to enjoy.