I am meant to be going to a party tomorrow night from 7-11 and everyone there will be of the age of 15 and 16, girls and guys. I am nearly 15, I'm a girl and I'm terrified because although I love my friends and they know about my emetophobia, there will be alcohol and I am starting to panic about how I will cope if any of my friends drink too much and get sick. When it happens I can't help it, I just run away as fast as I can. I have occasionally run across roads and into strangers' gardens, and then I have panic attacks. The party is taking place at my friend's house but he lives half an hour away and my parents are going out for the evening so I wouldn't be able to get picked up if anything went wrong. I don't know what to do because I don't want to miss out but I don't want to cause any trouble for my friends.