Me and my boyfriend were having problems and we broke up for a little bit. Then I had to contact him to get some things and when I did he said he missed me and was calling me babe and wanted to meet up. I wanted to talk things out and he was so kind and said some very sweet things to me and it touched my heart. He was drunk though and I said he didn't mean it cause he was drunk but he assured me he would of said them if he wasn't. I was happy cause I knew were getting back on track and we went to my place and we slept together, I was happy. The next morning he tells me we're just friends. I became confused so then he said we're on a break. Hes going away for 2 weeks to see his mates for new years and he said he cant hook up or get with anyone cause we're still working things out. So I take him back to his car and he turns to kiss me when he leaves im thinking ok we're on a break sorting out stuff. My friend informed me of some photos on facebook I should see and he is skinny dipping with some girl and she has her arms around him. I called him immidiatley and hes said no I said we're just friends but Im not out hooking up im just at a party having fun and we all decided to go swimming. I feel so used and stupid im so upset over this and he is absolutely fine, moved on partying with his friends. I need some kind words right now I've had a horrible Christmas break.Sorry this was so long