Hi everybody,

I'm new here and I really need help PLEASE
Today has been one of the worst days of my life. As you can tell by the title "it" happened today. I really am confused and I need help so here we go...

I'll start from the beginning. So yesterday was my dad's birthday and we went out to eat at Applebee's and I ordered some macaroni and cheese with chicken tenders. I didn't finish all of it because I started to feel full after a while. Anyways, after we left we went home and I ate leftover pizza from dominoes and I also made and ate cupcakes for my dad's birthday. I felt FINE all day yesterday. I was really happy and I didn't feel weird or sick at all. So I go on with my day and go with my family to the grocery store and then we came back home. Once I got home I took a shower and went to bed around 11:30-12 ish. All of a sudden I woke up at 5 in the morning with a stomach ache. I didn't think much of it and I tried to go back to sleep. I woke up about 20 minutes later and I had pure liquid D*. At first I didn't feel nauseas at all so I tried to go back to bed but I kept having D*. All of a sudden I went to the bathroom and randomly V*. Since then I have had D* god knows how many times and I have V* about 5-6 times. I took imodium in pill form and the D* has basically stopped. I tried to take kaeopectate and some cherry nausea medicine but I just ended up V* it up.

I feel awful and I'm so tired and confused. Why did this happen? Do you think it could be food poisoning? I had a sore throat and cold about 2 weeks ago but I haven't been around anyone sick that I know of. I feel so awful. I can't stop crying because this is the first time I have V* in 3 years. Do you think this is a SV or food poisoning? I AM SO THIRSTY but I'm scared to drink anything. I'm so scared and I don't want my family to catch it. PLEASE HELP ME