Hi! I am new to this forum and this kind of thing in general. I have lived with this my whole life on some level but it seems to be getting worse the older I get. I am only now learning/discovering that this fear has a name and that others like me exist so that alone is a new blessing. However yesterday/today I was confronted with the monster...my daughter started v* last night and it has sent me into a tizzy. The not knowing if and when it will strike is unbearable. My husband just doesn't understand and thinks I am being ridiculous. I ordered ERS and was debating hypnosis or acupuncture bc I just can't live like this anymore! And after being afraid of my own daughter I became so sad ontop of completely anxious. Anyway thanks for lettin me ramble but my true question is how do you deal in the short term? How do you get thru the anxiety and fear when faced with it directly? I work in a school and recently when the entire school was struck w it before break I thought I was gonna die and now it's in my home! I almost can't think about going to work bc I'm afraid it will hit me while I'm there! And now the fear is affecting my livelihood bc all I can think is to call out! Ugh. Any tips for getting thru the immediate anxiety would be great! Thanks all!!