My first time posting and you all are probably going to think I'm crazy. I'm grasping for anything right now. Here's the story: against my better judgment I allowed my four year old to play in an indoor playground on Saturday. I held her hand immediately after she came out. She was throwing up by 5pm yesterday (Sunday). I have the best husband in the world and he knows how the fear of v paralyzes me. He immediately took over. I have not gone near my daughter since she got sick. I skipped dinner yesterday and locked myself and my 8 month old in my room, quarantining husband and the sick one to the living room/far off bathroom. I didn't sleep a wink last night, woke up early, and got out of the house as soon as possible. The whole day my stomach hurt. I finally figured it was probably from not eating and had lunch around 1pm. Around 7 I still had the stomach ache, still assuming lack of food was the issue and ate a bagel. My stomach continued to hurt off and on despite eating. Around 930 my stomach started hurting more and I started to have a panic attack. By 1030 I had watery diarrhea. Now I have a million questions. Am I sick? Am I going to v next? Is it just nervous stomach? I'm not really sure what I'm asking here, but need some reassurance right now. My support group (best friend in the central time zone) is asleep and I totally in panic mode right now.