I've been slightly careless on hand washing because my hands are cracking from washing them so much or from cleaning. So I can remember doing a few things and can't remember if I washed my hands or not. My anxiety is so high right now and my heart is racing so bad I can hardly breathe.
I remember cleaning up yesterday. We keep our shoes next to the front door so my door way was really cluttered. I went through them all to put some away and did some more cleaning. But I can't remember if I washed my hands or what I may have touched after the shoes.
I know it sounds ridiculous but I keep thinking about it and it's freaking me out. Then we went shopping at walmart and my basket was really dirty so I got a new one. I'm freaked out over that even though I washed my hands when I came home. Then I took some stuff to my dads because he has had D for over a week and he talked to me through my window. I immediately wiped my door down after we left and immediately washed my hands at the restaurant.
I keep dwelling on these things. My stomach keeps gurgling and I've read people having that and then SV. I think I've seriously convinced myself. I'm so scared right now. I can't concentrate. I keep focusing on my stomach no matter what I do.