Just wondering if any of you have difficulties with going to the dentist. I have really bad emetophobia; it's probably about the worst that it's ever been. I've had it for many years. I started seeing a new dentist last year because of my emet. I thought this dentist might be able to help more with my gag reflex. Anyway, one time I was there and had a panic attack when in the chair and was shaking so hard. I don't really know what brought it on. I had to pee bad, and maybe I was worried I'd have an accident or something because I couldn't get up. I don't know why as I never have had an accident before, but anxiety is irrational. Ever since then, I have a panic attack every single time I go to the dentist. I'm nervous that I'm going to have a panic attack...which leads to a panic attack. While the first panic attack was not related to my emet, it seems that any panic attacks that have followed are. I have this fear of vomiting, and to me it is literally the worst thing in the world. Even worse to me than vomiting, is the thought of vomiting in public. I know that isn't rational, but I can't help it. I have this fear that laying down in this confined space with whatever equipment the dentist has in my mouth that I will vomit. I just had an appointment yesterday and was shaking "like a leaf" (the girl said). Ugh. It's horrible. Every time I go to the dentist now I'm worried that I'll have a panic attack (which I do), and then I'm worried that I'll vomit. It's embarassing because I shake so hard and can't stop.

Does anyone else have trouble at the dentist due to emet?