Hello everyone

I have recently joined this forum, I have had emetophobia for years but I didn't 'Realize' it until I read about it on the internet.
I clean my utensils with hot water and wipe them off, I don't touch my food (I use napkins, and only if they were on the inside of the pile)

Anyway, a good treatment for me has been to go Running or jogging.

I live in a rural area, and there are places in the woods that I run in that do not have any people around.

I am a 22 year old male, and I run very fast sometimes.
This can make me nauseated, but when I am in the peaceful forest all alone, I truly feel no fear at all from the possibility of v*.

If you can, try to go jogging or walking in the woods or somewhere quiet when you feel stressed out or if your phobia is bothering you.

This helps me because my fear stems from other people seeing me v*.
It is very silly to me because it is so irrational, even from the few minutes I have been on this forum I am getting past my fears.

Hopefully running or going to a secluded location can help you too!