So I had 5 days of the worst period I've ever had, at least pain wise. It was consistent, the worst pain I've ever been in, and would never stop unless I took an advil. Even then it took forever for the advil to kick in.
Then, after the pain stopped, the nausea kicked in for the last two days despite the pain being gone.
And then, about ten minutes ago, d* cramps struck with some nasty nausea. I used the bathroom once and it wasn't d*, though, wasn't even really soft. The pains are gone now (except for a little bit at my ribs) and I took a gravol so the nausea is quickly subsiding...I am still on my period (still bleeding, just with no pain) so it totally could've been that, I'm actually blaming it on that; either that or my current high anxiety. I do not believe it's a virus because there's no way I could've been exposed to one.
And of course my anxiety is at the highest it's been in a while. I haven't been taking panic attacks as I've gotten better at concealing it in the several months, but it feels like my nerves are just shot. I'm having some trouble getting out of my room. I'm still doing it, it's not stopping me, but every time I go to the top of the stairs I get a jolt of panic and an overwhelming sensation, and I can't stay downstairs for too long.
Just a rant to say I'm having one of those weeks! I know I'll get over it soon enough but man it's awful!