I know chewing and spitting food out is a form of an eating disorder but does anyone else do it because of emetophobia? I started having a hard time swallowing food out of fear of, "what if it's bad?" or, "This will make me full" or, "This will make me nauseated." It's a really hard struggle for me to eat food because everything you can think of makes me ill to an extent. The problem is, I love food. I Love the taste and textures and smells. When I had a hard time swallowing food out of fear, I would just spit it out. Now it's spread to I binge uncontrollably and spit out meals because I miss the taste of food but I'm to terrified to swallow. I don't want to feel ill later and I don't want to feel full. Does anyone else do this?
I also would never recommend doing this. It becomes addicting and kills your jaw. That and chewed food can resemble V****