FAMILY ESPECIALLY!! My little brother was sick 2 weeks (on the 3rd) he got better a day later but I heard the bug is going around at his school, and some kids are sick. I know he is probably immune to it but he could be bringing those germs into house and he is not hygienic at all. He refuses to wash his hands!!!! It's making me angry because I can't eat like I want in fear of being sick. I managed to avoid it when he and my mom got sick a 2 weeks ago but I could still catch it from his school. I am constantly washing my hands and I am nervous when I go out in public. I don't feel like I am safe and I just want to feel okay again and be able to eat like I did before. People are already commenting on how I have lost weight and how I need to eat. I just can't calm down or stop thinking that the germs are probably all over my hands when I touch something ugh!! Sorry for the rant but I just had to get it out!