Hi everyone, it has been a long time since I posted in here, I was doing very well for a long time and than this year I began to struggle again. I have three kids, two who have Autism. We haven't had to many "V" in awhile. Last time it was my older son when he was in sixth grade (he is 14 now). Well than today everything came crashing down. My youngest who is Autistic began "V" to the point I had to take him to the ER to get meds. He has been a mess all day and I have been "V" on a cpl times already. So I am majorly freaking out right now. There is a nasty bug going around in my area so I have been worried awhile about it. I am so afraid right now, I have two other kids who also haven't been sick in awhile too (14, 11) so naturally my mind is convinced its going to be hell on earth this week. For me my Emet is about me getting it not about other people or even seeing it. My fear is I am going to catch it. I am actually shaking right now as I type. So I could really use some moral support right now. Thank you everyone