My name is Sarah and my whole life I've been terrified of seeing people get sick. I used to be terrified of myself getting sick but after being pregnant with my daughter and being sick every single day for 4 months straight I've gotten less scared about it but before that I hadn't gotten sick in years and could literally force myself not to. I clicked on several posts and it seems like everyone is just nervous about it happening to them while I'm on the other hand terrified about seeing it in person myself. I can see it on the ground and stuff like that it's just the actual act of it happening while its happening that makes me freak out. Most people don't understand it and just assume I think it's gross and that's why I freak out but it's not that I think it's gross, it genuinely scares me to death. If it happens around me I panic, shake, try to get away, and even cry. I don't know why and I can't explain it at all. I really wish I wasn't this way because it has really held me back. I want to be an RN but I know I can't be one and even if I was every nurse would think I was insane. On wiki it says emetophibia can be the fear of watching the action, which is how I am. Is there anyone that is the same way? And is there a treatment for this??