I have to leave my house today and I don't want to. I've had emetophobia as long as I can remember but only found out what it was about a year and a half ago when it started to get pretty bad and I joined this forum. Now about a year ago I started to feel sick all the time, I've always had stomach problems, and the doctor said I had GERD, put me on a few different medicines but nothing has worked, I always feel sick and this whole experience has made my emetophobia soooo much worse. Every time I've left the house in the past year I've carried a bottle of Zofran with me 'just in case'. I started therapy in the summer (not for emetophobia, but because my school psychologist diagnosed me with depression and told my mom that therapy would help I thought I could get some help with the phobia), I only went to two sessions before my mom decided she didn't want to take me anymore. Slowly I've become more and more agoraphobic and I haven't left my house since January when my mom forced me to leave just so she could see her boyfriend. I haven't been outside of the house in over 3 months, I can't even walk to the end of the driveway without freaking out. I HAVE to go see family today and I don't think I can get out of it, I am so scared, yesterday I thought I'd be fine but the more I thought about it the worse I felt, I felt shaky and scared and I had trouble breathing, this morning I am almost on the verge of tears thinking about leaving in a few hours. I can't talk to my mom about it, she won't understand, or worse she'll make fun of me. She hasn't even noticed how long it's been since I left the house, and doesn't seem to care, (I'm in school online so I really have no reason to go anywhere). I just don't know what to do PLEASE HELP, any advice to make it easier would be soooo appreciated. Thank you, so much.