As many of you guys suffer from nausea (i do too) i might just give some little tips and tricks that i use when i feel yicky. Some MAY work or MAY not. Its my way of dealing with that evil curse called nausea.
Anyway enough of my blabbering....

1) peppermint sweets
peppermint has been known to help nausea and can give a beautiful taste. :3
2) ginger
ginger is bliss, try ginger nuts, ginger ale. Anything with ginger is good and effective.
3) anti acids
sometimes nausea is caused by a little bit of heartburn. Try peptobismol, rennies etc
4) water
water helps me ALOT when i feel yicky, nice cold water cools you down if you sweat alot during a anxiety/panic attacks.
5) (sorry if this is a bit disgusting) empty your bowels
try and do a number 2. For me atleast, i feel less tense and helps to get rid of that "full" feeling.
6) fresh air
take a deep breath. Take in fresh air for 7 seconds, hold for 5, and release for 7 seconds.
7) (not really a good idea) smoke
seems wierd, but i have some false sense of security that i believe it will calm the nausea down. you dont have to do this if you dont smoke.
8) anti emetics
this is HEAVEN for me, im on Cyclizine Hydrobromide. There are loads of these little angels to choose from xD
9) distraction
self implied. Watch tv, listen to music, etc

Thats about it from me, try some off these out, (you dont have to if you dont want to) and see if it helps relieve your nausea. Im no expert on properly getting rid of it, these are just some off my ideas.

Hope this helps, and stay strong x