Hi everyone, I've had a rough night and could use some support/advice...sorry for the incredibly long rant!

Tonight my boyfriend and I took the train to another neighborhood in the city. I was very anxious on the train, because people were coughing/looking hungover and public transit makes me anxious in general. I saw my boyfriend touch the poles and the tops of the seats, but I didn't say anything. Then we went to a couple different shops before getting dinner. He orders pizza and eats it WITH HIS HANDS. When I asked him if he washed his hands, he said, "No, I was too hungry." I got really upset. He said that he didn't eat the part that he touched with his hands, but I'm not so sure.

I feel so betrayed because he knows hand washing is a BIG thing with me, especially before eating. We were supposed to be celebrating a promotion I got at work, but now my whole weekend feels ruined. I know I'm going to spend the next 2-3 days panicking.

We share a 1-bedroom apt. Here's the thing...I always catch his colds, he NEVER catches mine. I chalk this up to my obsessive hygie and his lack of it when he's sick. Knowing this, how can I NOT freak out about something potentially more serious?

I don't know what to do. Should I stay at a hotel? Pump him full of Dramamine? I'm SO angry and upset. He has a much more lax attitude about sickness (we've been together 5 years, and every time he's gotten sick its been from drinking) and he's usually good about hand-washing, etc. he even stopped his nervous habit of rubbing his eyes after I asked him too. This is really out of character.

Can anyone offer some perspective? He' aplogized a bunch, but I've been sobbing on the train ride home like an idiot...