Hey everyone. This is my first time here, I found this while I was researching for forums after I had a terrifying incident tonight....

We were out for my fiancé's birthday. We went to this great restaurant that specializes in craft beers. Everyone else but me ordered this sampler of beers (I was driving) and I was taking a couple of sips of my friends' beers just to taste each one. I don't normally do this - my emetophobia was paralysing for years. With the love and support of my amazing fiancé, I have actually been so much better and I guess that's why I let my guard down. So back to what happened... like I said I had taken sips of beer from different people's cups. Very shortly after we finished eating, my friend who had been sitting directly across from me got up and excused herself to the bathroom. After not coming back for some time we started to get worried... then she came back and announced that she had just v'd in the bathroom. I felt all the blood drain from my face. I wanted to cry. I hated myself for being so stupid that I would actually drink from my friend's drink! My stomach is still turning from this. I had to drive us all back to our house since I was the DD. The whole drive home I could see her face in the rearview mirror. As soon as I parked the car in the driveway she opened her door and ran out and doubled over - thankfully this time she didn't v though. I'm absolutely freaking out thinking I have exposed myself to this. I haven't felt this level of anxiety in a very long time. I'm trying not to bring it up to my fiancé since it's his birthday and I just want him to have a nice evening.

Thanks to anyone reading this. This community looks very supportive, and I hope I can make some friends here!