Tonight I've gone to my boyfriends house and I never usually have takeaways coz of IBS (and scared of being poisoned)! But tonight I was STARVING and there's no food in and my boyfriend was getting one so I had cheesy chips, a veggie burger and a slice of my boyfriends DONNER MEAT pizza! This was about 4 hours ago and I've just now started with really bad d! I'm telling myself it's all the grease because I never normally eat it let alone so much and the pizza box was literally soaked in grease! But I feel so sick too now I'm really really scared trying to breathe deeply but im so worried I'll v! I don't have any anti sickness tablets ATM and convincing myself I have poisoning and I'll v and it's just horrible! I'm Obvs never gonna be eating takeaways in a rush anytime soon again but I don't know what to do to get me through this panic! Help