Some (most) people on here are probably used to my nightly panics by now and will also know I have a drinking problem (but I am currently on a waiting list for a detox programme). Yesterday I drank two bottles of wine opposed to my daily one bottle because I went to a friends who were all drinking coz of football and so I had an extra bottle! I'm usually fine with two bottles but woke up this morning feeling nauseous.... So I stopped the nausea by drinking another bottle of wine today! That's what I drink daily anyway so my body is used to that. It doesn't get me drunk, just sleepy and comforted and less anxious (temporarily of course).
Tonight I was invited to a BBQ by someone I don't really get on with, and have been worrying about my boyfriend taking drugs as he does with this particular group of friends that were there. He didn't, but the worry was still there. I drank my second bottle of wine today at the BBQ. Then loads of us went to the pub from there, I didn't drink alcohol, wasn't drunk at all I just stuck to water and juice but felt sooooo sick it's untrue! In the end I had to get my bf to walk me back to his, made him tuck me up with a sick bucket and water and he's gone back to the pub.
I'm so anxious because I feel so sick and I know it's the build up of alcohol but I have no anti sickness stuff here except pepto bismol which doesnt work! I've taken an anti anxiety tablet which I think is helping a little but still so worried about being sick!
I'm also so worried about my bf coming home and throwing up all night from drinking! He is the kind of person that LIKES v-ing especially when drunk and he said it's the one night all his friends are in town so he's gonna enjoy himself and be back really late/early! So I just know that is coming!
I'm a nervous wreck! I'm kids films coz they're comforting! Have my sick bowl and water but apart from that I'm all alone and just so scared for the night ahead