I am having such a bad panic attack it's not funny. My girlfriend (no hate please) has been feeling s* with no appetite when she wakes up and throughout the day for around 4 weeks now. She went away on work and when she came back of course I kissed her, then she told me she vd* that morning, which of course freaked me out. That was 5 days ago, long over the countdown time. She's still been feeling bad, but I was going to spend the night with her tonight, everything was fine, she went to sleep then her dad called her to give him a ride, so she woke up. She goes "I don't feel good again...." then walked to the bathroom and vd* I was sooooo freaked out I ran outside and called my mom to come get me. THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR WEEKS!!!!! After she got back from picking her dad up she came outside and saw me shaking and crying so she came over and started rubbing my back and told me everything was fine and kissed the top of my head. I blurted out "I'm sorry I'm sorry I can't stay my mom is coming" She was upset because I promised I'd spend the night with her. She went and laid in bed and I came in and sat on the bed and just kept telling her I was sorry and that I loved her, she said she loved me too, but I know she's upset and hurt that I didn't stay. I thought for awhile it might be ulcers, she takes pain killers by the handfuls along with midol. I keep telling myself this doesn't sound like a bug, because sometimes she doesn't feel s* at all, and it's been going on for so long. She told me she was going to finally go see a doctor. I'm soooo worried and panicy.... Someone help please