Woke up this morning and felt fine. I drank an energy drink and then got a stomach ache and some d* Figured this was normal since I do sometimes get those symptoms after drinking them. My husband starts complaining about a stomach ache and having the same d*. I am freaking out now. I have been crying all morning, I have no bleach so I've been getting dish soap and scrubbing everything down. My stomach is in knots, it hurts so bad. It will go away, I get hungry, then it comes back and I have more d*. I took my anxiety medicine hoping that would calm me down, figuring it was just triggered by anxiety, but no, its still awful.

I don't care so much about myself, I'm just terrified of my kids getting it. I am more terrified of OTHERS vomiting around me than I am myself. I can typically control myself so I don't worry much, but my son and daughter will just v* out of nowhere, especially my son. I am just freaking out right now, so bad. My stomach is so upset and I'm just waiting for my son to start complaining about his.

My husband said he was feeling a little better when he got to work, but I honestly think he was just saying that to calm me down. He knows how freaked out I get over this and I think he just felt bad that I was panicking so badly. I requested a prescription of zofran from my psychiatrist but he's not calling me back and I think he'll say no anyway. I am so upset....