What is wrong with me? Very distressed

On Monday night I had bad indigestion, really bad. I have bad anxiety at the moment and I know the two can be linked. Now it's really hot here, and it's about 3am here. Yesterday afternoon I drank a lot of fizzy drinks as I was thirsty, and for dinner ate a large plain pizza. I started to feel sickly as soon as I ate the pizza, which I had with lemonade. I took an anti-sickness and it calmed down, before it returning an hour later as bad acid reflux which made me feel s*. I took another anti-sickness. The sensation lasted until about three hours ago, at which point the reflux was fine and I was even hungry, but I didn't eat.

I've woken up now, and my throat, nose and ears are burning. Like my throat feels like it's starting to develop in to a sore throat, my nose feels like it's going to get a cold. I don't feel s* as such but I feel 'off'. I had some loose stools just now which is common when I take anti-sickness. My appetite feels normal at this point, I feel a hungry feeling now. My stomach feels like it's knawing and empty and the reflux is still there a bit.

Is this a s* bug, reflux/anxiety, or am I coming down with a flu virus/throat type thing? Bit of heatstroke even? Or some strange combination? A strange virus? I just don't feel right. I've felt like this before and not been s* when I've been under a lot of stress.

Please help, I'm very scared about what is happening to my body.