I remembered this wonderful site from a while back when I was needing help. And I need help again.
Yesterday I heard my almost 4 year old scream and got up to check on her. I was in a bedroom. My husband was u p with her and told me to go back to bed..and that she was sick. He knows all about my fear and supports me. He knew that I would go into the bedroom and lock myself in with such fear.
My poor baby threw up for about three hours. Then was fine and back to normal. I cant cope with the fear engulfing me. The constant worrying that I will get it. I didn't leave the bedroom except to use the bathroom until she was done. And then I sst away from them. My husband used a clorax wipe to clean the couch and a doorknob he touched. He bathed and she did too. He wiped the remotes and cleaned the blanket and sheets. I took 6 showers yesterday and four today so far trying to keep clean and germ free.
I did accidentally touch my face. Just didn't think and did it. I haven't eaten now since Tuesday evening and its Thursday evening. My husband is at work saying he feels fine so far but I am terrified. Please..someone help me. I am so bad this time that I have pudhed my baby away when she wanted a hug. I have today hugged her. She kisses my arm but wants me to and I can't. My husband and I both are trying to explain it to her but shes little and of course doesn't understand. Please God don't let me get the sv!!!