Its at least 2 weeks now that I either hardly eat or I eat and then I feel sick, and stop eating again. I thought it was a phase I was going through and that I was going to come out of it like I always do, but this time is different. I am not coming out of it, I feel like I'm only getting worse. I just ate some popcorn to fill that emptiness, and now I feel absolutely horrible. Ithink its the kind that I got, it was pretty heavy with butter. But I feel so sick to my stomach right now. I am panicking pretty badly, I took an ativan, hoping it will at least calm me down, but I know this has everything to do with the popcorn, and I don't know when I will start to feel better. I feel so doomed, like the only way I will feel better is because I'm going to be sick, and I don't want to be sick....

I'm sorry for ranting but I don't know what else to do right now. I am completely freaking out.