This is so off topic, but my inlaws drive me crazy. I can't talk to my husband about it for obvious reasons. His mom and his sister are two cheapest people I know. His sister invites us over for a Memorial Day BBQ and waits to go grocery shopping until we get there. So we go with her and she conveniently is absent when it comes time to pay. I have had countless get togethers at my house and NEVER ask them to pay for my groceries. If you are going to have people over you need to be a good host and buy your own damn groceries. Oh, did I tell you her and her husband make alot more money then me and my husband?

My mother in law takes the cake though. She has never once offered to pay for a meal when we go out to eat. NEVER. Yes, she's older, but she is not hurting financially. She's not rick or anything, but she can afford to buy a meal. You know what she got me and my husband for christmas? Fire extinguishers. You know what she got my husband for his 30th birthday? Nail clippers.NAIL CLIPPERS. Are you kidding me?

My husband has never paid for a meal when my dad is there. Heck, his famly has gotten a free ride too, if my dad is there. My dad is not some wealthy man either. He just has class. My dad shelled out quite a pretty penny for our wedding, and we did not so much as get a gift from my mother in law. She griped about having to pay for the rehearsal dinner. Then had the nerve to ask my husband "well, what has Amanda's daddy done for you? Are you kidding me? If you want to tally it up, my inlaws would fall far short. Don't even go there.

Thanks for listening. I love my inlaws, but I wish tey would get some class when it comes to money.