I work as a nanny part time and look after two children, one who is two and one who is four. Today the two year old v*. I've only worked at the job for about a month so this is a first for me.

The girl had eaten a lot that afternoon (jacket potato, semolina, egg cheese and hash brown muffin, bowl of pasta, passion fruit, strawberries, yogurt and a half, and then a glass of warm milk which their mum encouraged her to drink quickly). She was totally fine up until it happened - one minute she was drinking the milk, then I put her on the bed to change her nappy and she was wriggling around giggling, then suddenly she v*. All it was was milk/yogurt - what she had just eaten really. The mum took over instantly, whilst I grabbed a towel. I quickly helped the dad strip the bed (was about a metre was the v*). I was hovering near the mum cleaning her up seeing if she was okay. I took the PJ's away she was due to put on which had a bit of v* on it. I washed my hands well and then I headed home (was going to babysit for them but they decided not to go out). The girl was fine, laughing and herself. The mum said it was unusual for her to be s* but thought she had eaten too much. When I got home I washed my hands again.

Does this sound like a bug and also because I was stood watching over her when she was first v*, am I more likely to get it?

Very upset about the whole thing. She's okay now I think...