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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Thumbs up Share a daily triumph :)

    Hi guys! It's been quite a long time since I was active around here (I must have been 13 when I joined and I'm 17 now!). As I've looked through the threads I see a lot of people who are struggling and felt like a thread like this could inspire a few people to take a step out of their comfort zones!

    I have been through 3 years of depression and have had emetophobia for 9 years, but I am slowly taking steps towards a brighter future and I'm ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that every single member on this site has the determination, resources and bravery within them to overcome this fear. It's not easy, I know that. When you're sad it's hard to even think about getting better because part of you doesn't want to get over emet. If you did, you'd be risking being sick! I know that feeling so well and though it's taken a while, I've finally fought that. I can honestly say now I would rather have a fear free life where I'm sick every now and then than a life full of fear and sadness where I'm STILL sick sometimes, because we really cannot control vomiting, can we?

    I am in no way suggesting that anyone here should throw themselves in at the deep end or expose themselves to vomit. No way! But focussing on the little achievements you have every day will really encourage you and remind you how well you're actually doing! As emets we often look straight past the positive moments in our day and remember all the times we weren't feeling so great. So here is what I propose!

    Every day, I am going to come back to this thread and post 1-3 positive things that have happened that day. They could be as small as going to the shop for groceries - if it provokes a little anxiety in you but you did it anyway then put it on the list! Even if you got ready to go out somewhere and then changed your mind last second, that is STILL a positive. Why? Because you pushed yourself to get ready even when you were feeling anxious, nauseated or stressed. And next time it will be easier to push yourself a little further. Even if you read this and think it's a silly idea, I really encourage you to try it because doing things like this was how I gained the courage to take my first scary step!

    My positives for the day:

    1. I met up with my friend for a coffee even when I'd had a loose BM this morning. Once I'd distracted myself I completely forgot about it and despite the fact I'd thought over all the things that could go wrong in my head before hand, none of those things happened and I had such a great time!

    2. In the coffee shop, a man came up to the counter and told the staff his daughter had just vomited in the corner. I wanted to walk out of the shop through the front entrance to get to my seat outside the back of the shop, but instead I forced myself to walk through the shop, past the vomit and out of the back door instead. I smelled it and saw it without feeling any anxiety and then I was super proud of myself for being brave!

    Feel free to say what you did today that was a little out of your comfort zone, or that made you proud! Remember, even little achievements are really worth writing down. 6 months into my therapy and I am so close to being cured, and this was one of the things which helped me tons. Try it! ^_^
    (Note: I would have put this in triumphs but I feel like the threads there aren't read very often. If this thread is moved then that's okay )
    (Another note: I know I have used the word vomit a few times instead of v* and I hope this doesn't cause any anxiety. I've found that the more you get used to saying/reading it, the less it bothers you which is why I've done this!)
    Take care everyone xx -Massive hugs-
    Last edited by Claire-; 09-30-2014 at 09:41 AM.



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