As my other post in private section states, my oldest son had a sv* Saturday night and v* a few times. He was back to himself by the next morning. barely lasted 8 hours honestly. I was HOPING it was something he ate but no such luck. My younget son has been running a fever all day today so I keep waiting for "it" to happen but it hasn't yet. I thought, ok maybe were in the clear, NOT. Hubby came home feeling yucky and already v* a few times (one episode) and has a fever, body aches and general unwell. He just told me he's feeling queasy again. Last time we all had a sv* (last September) it started in the same pattern. My oldest, my youngest, then hubby and I the exact same time. At least last time I wasn't last and had to "wait" for it. Uhhhhh this isn't fun!