I just found out the other day that my husband and I are expecting. I'm only about 4 weeks along, so it's still quite early, but even so I'm freaking out about getting morning sickness!! So far I have been OK with the exception of some nausea with getting really hungry. Every little quirky feeling in my stomach makes me panic. Lucky for me I have always had kind of a "cast iron stomach," and I pretty much never get sick and v* so I am just hoping that also carries through pregnancy, but there are extenuating circumstances that can override even my strong stomach. Are there any anti-emetic products out there that are safe for early pregnancy? Or anything anyone has known to help or prevent any morning sickness?
I'd ask my doctor if I had one yet... My husband took his old job back and just started back today so we don't have insurance quite yet but it should only be a week or two before we do. My husband does also know about my emetophobia, as does my in-laws (my sister in-law is also pregnant and only 5 weeks ahead of me, so that's kinda fun, but she did get some morning sickness she told me )
Any help is appreciated, thanks!