I can't imagine going day to day SUFFERING in silence as a lot of you do. Weather your younger living with your parents, or you are afraid to tell your boyfriend cause he might think you are a freak. DO IT. TELL SOME ONE. This is a battle we face every single day. It impacts our lives in just about ever aspect. I use this link: constantly as a print out to show my loved ones. Just know you do have support. I can understand that telling your parents are hard, but at least encourage them to let you see a therapist. Some one you can talk to.
I know all of us on this website are communal and we love to help each other and support each other. But there are some of you out there, that this is your deepest, darkest, secret. And it simply can not be. How do you expect to go through this fight, alone? In the REAL world, where this exists. Phobias are real, they're recognizable, and they're so secret sometimes. I would hate to hear of some one who would "rather die before they threw up" a quote, MANY of US have quoted, me included. Id hate to hear of that happening, and no one knew, or he or she didn't know some one could of helped. To you younger ones, I think you are s o incredibly strong to be facing this at such a young age, but my wish is for you to not have to worry about it. I wish none of us would have to worry about it, but we do… so please everyone, let some one know in your life. If you are feeling depressed, tell some one, don't ride this out alone, it only makes it harder.