I have a slight headache, feel a little chilly (it's 28 and snowing here in ohio) and not sure how I feel stomach wise. But I'm so scared right now. I fear that I'm feeling the same way now that I did before I got sick last feburary.

At work, my shift leaders fiance had a confirmed case of gastroenteritis. And today, about a week after her fiance became ill, have become sick with possibly the same sickness.

Right now, I am at a friends house, he also works with me, but yesterday at work, he became hot, coughed very hard, and v'd. (I was not there for this incident) he says, and still confirms even now if I ask (I hope) that he feels fine. I'm freaking out. Right now as I write this, I fear my stomach may be uneasy, and my head and face are becoming warm. Please, help me. I fear I'm losing control