Hi everyone, having a freak out again. I went to my old home over the weekend to see my family and travelled back to my own house late on Sunday night. On Monday my mum came down with something and I just found out my sister (who also lest on Sunday for her home although unlike me had been there all of last week not just the weekend) came down with similar symptoms. My mum is a school teacher and there is something going around in her school so immediate thought is that she picked it up there but she didn't show symptoms until Monday and if my sister caught it from her she must have already been contagious over the weekend (unless it was picked up in the supermarket or something on Saturday/Sunday). That would imply a long incubation period for this kind of thing no? Of course, my fellow phobics, you know what I really want to know. What are the chances of me also getting symptoms and when will I know by if I am going to or not? Obviously I hugged and kissed my mum and ate food she cooked over the weekend when she was symptom free, but then my sister appears to have got it so that is no reassurance. My sister got it about 30 hours after my mum I think. Also you should know I travelled part of the way to my house by train with my sister after we left mum and we hugged etc too. Please help, so scared.