Hey everyone, I haven't posted on this forum in months but my anxiety is just rocketing and I don't know what to do.

Last week at work (I work in a café) a girl I work with ran off v*. I wasn't there at the time but have since used and touched things she probably did. This was last Wednesday I believe it happened.

It's now Tuesday but I've been off my food all day. The girl I work with said she had been off of her food before she got ill so now I'm panicking like crazy. I haven't eaten much today - half a banana, breakfast biscuit, a muffin and Starbucks about 11am. I tried to eat a sandwich about 1pm to avoid low blood sugar (I was feeling light headed which I've been feeling for a couple of weeks now) but I could only just about manage half and even then I was forcing it down. I eventually came home from uni as my anxiety was just too bad. About 3pm I had some of those mini salted pretzels.

I'm petrified I have the bug the girl I work with had. I can't stop thinking about it. My stomach keeps hurting, I have wind (sorry if TMI) and a headache. I have that horrible throat n* too. I'm scared to eat dinner as well.

On top of all this my OCD is going wild - I keep thinking I've ingested bacteria. I won't go into details as I don't want to come across gross but I just have it in my head I've contaminated myself.

PLUS I have a blood test tomorrow and then back to work.

Please someone help - I haven't felt this bad and anxious in a long time. I just desperately need to talk to someone.