Go into work only to be told by the woman I work very closely with that she is feeling really ill with...her words... 'lots of vomiting'!!!!!!! My immediate response was to firstly tell her to stay away from me (impossible) and then tell her off for coming into work. Both her and her son had been vomiting through the night and her son also has d*. She wasnt actually sick in work and she went home early but she used my phone, keyboard, mouse and I had to handle her paperwork etc. I tried to wipe things over with the only disinfectant wipes in work and I washed my hands often but I cant help but feel doomed. Straight after work I had to go to my daughters baby shower which included a meal so if God forbid I have caught it my stomach is full. Trying not to completely freak out but its hard not to think the worst. What does everybody think my chances are? Its been 15 hours since my exposure so the clock is ticking