Hi guys
I'm just wondering how many of you out there struggle with clubbing/drinking/parties etc.
When I was at uni (I graduated a couple of years ago) it didn't bother me half as much, I would drink quite a lot, and rarely get a hangover. It was part of my routine, I enjoyed it, and it was actually a release from my phobia.
Now though, although I like a drink and a dance, I rarely go properly out. My alcohol tolerance is less anyway but even just being out and staying sober or barely drinking makes me feel anxious, particularly as there's drunk people around who may be s*.
I've been out tonight for the first time since January, had a great night, only had six drinks over the course of about six hours, so barely tipsy really. But I've just got in and the anxiety is hitting me hard. Maybe it's tiredness and association of going out with v*.
I don't want to stop going out as you're only young once but I'm finding it hard and I just wondered if I was the only one.