First let me outline here what's going on. Just last night I bought "Cure Your Emetophobia & Thrive" and have began reading it in the hopes that it'll help. Second, I no longer am part of any social media outlets (facebook, etc.) Because always seeing the posts about people who I'm friends with being sick just began to ruin my relationships. I began avoiding people & such. Now that it's December & really deep into the heart of Flu Season, I've found myself beginning to get depressed. Little things like talking to my husband about tomorrow's plans the night before & my screwed up brain automatically goes into "why plan for tomorrow, everyone in our area has the flu & you went out and ate at a restaurant the last two days so the chances of you getting it are so high now, you haven't been washing your hands or the kids hands well enough or you haven't used the cleaners you bought to kill any germs around the house lately, so why plan for tomorrow when youre going to probably be sick?" I know it's the dumbest thing & I wish I could turn my brain off but it just sucks... I've always known my emetophobia has been linked to my anxiety but it's beginning to affect my quality of life & my mood & I don't know how to make it stop.