Woke from my sleep about 40 mins ago and almost immediately had to rush to the toilet. Thankfully it wasnt d* but I now feel I want to go again. Its not normal to feel like this at 3.30 a.m. This was coupled with severe n* and I went into meltdown. Ive got a cold, wet flannel draped against the back of my neck, and a migraine strip on my forehead cos I also have a headache. Ive taken anti-emetics and a tranquiliser but I think I must've have had a panic attack cos for a while I couldnt stop shaking and I felt all hot when its actually very cold tonight. How do you all cope with panic attacks? I'd love to be able to get some meds off the dr but here in the UK they dont really like giving them to people.

These attacks leave me feeling drained, not to mention terrified....