Okay, so I had being doing GREAT up until this point. I got sick Friday morning with a head cold and a fever and aches, basically the flu. I didn't eat anything Friday because I was sick. I tried going to work, but only lasted two hours before I had to go home. I slept all day and all night last night, luckily my fever has stayed away since last night. I skipped work today because I'm still achey and my head, ears, eyes, throat and nose hurt like nothing. I haven't taken any medication because I'm supposed to wait until before bed. I ate for the first time this morning and felt fine, so I ate dinner tonight. We had baked ziti and everything was fine until now. I have this pressure in my throat and I feel n**** and I'm super scared!! I also taste this weird taste in the back of my throat that doesn't taste like post nasal drip. I'm not sure what to do! Please help!