Ever hear or read something that grabs onto your brain and doesn't let go, and adds to you Emet mindset?

I'm sure there's more, but there are 3 off the top of my head that I can think of;

1. Milk & Orange Juice together will make you v*. Saw that in a movie. . . I think it was Heathers.

2. A friend of mine mentioned that if he ever eats sushi and drinks alcohol he'll v*, even if it's not together, just in the same day. So now I won't do that. (Not that I drink often).

3. I was reading an article written by a model scout. In it, she mentioned that she 'tests' clients by taking them out to lunch. She says girls try to be slick by ordering a big meal, but if they order vanilla ice cream for dessert, it's a bulimic red flag because it'll "burn less" on the way up. This made me think 2 things: #1- Maybe I should make Vanilla ice cream my new go to first food after feeling ill. lol. #2 - I legit LOVE salads - lil side ones and big hugely fattening restaurant kinds. I honestly love raw veggies. I also love vanilla ice cream (Don't I sound boring? LOL. Worry not, I loves me a good thick cheeseburger and a lava cake, too!), and I pee a lot. So now when I'm out and I order a salad and Vanilla ice cream, do people think I'm ana/bulimic?

4. I can't bring myself to willingly drink even a drop of vodka because I know it would make my dad v.

Do you have any weird "rules" for eating that aren't based on personal experience, but that of others?