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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default New Year's Eve: Emetophobe's Nightmare?

    I have a love/hate relationship with New Year's Eve. While I've always loved the idea of it and the excitement of a new beginning, I cannot stand the fact that more than half of society enjoys drinking themselves into oblivion at the same time. I have always been emetophobic, however only over the past few years have I begun to dread NYE. I don't feel safe anywhere, even in my own room/apt. I'm afraid I will still hear "it" or see "it" - or the aftermath of it somewhere the next day. The last few years I did not go out, but I still felt this impending anxiety the entire time. I feel like I'm living in danger for 24 hours. Ridiculous, I know.

    This year I have a man and although he knows I have this phobia, he doesn't quite understand the extent of it...and I'd rather him not because he will think I am a real kook. He works pretty late and we have plans to see each other for a midnight kiss...but I'm afraid a friend of his will be having a party he'll want to attend. This would give me too much anxiety and I'd be miserable. Not to mention I don't really want to be on the roads because of all the stupid drunks - which is a legitimate concern. However, I am equally terrified of seeing someone v* on the side of the road or something. Ugh. I used to really like this holiday as a child.

    I wanted to start this thread because I was wondering how everyone here feels about NYE. Do you feel the same way? What do you do to cope with it? What are your plans?
    Last edited by alexikiss; 12-30-2014 at 02:30 AM.



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